Testing performed: 08/4/2024
GAPOA Current Status at the BEACH:
A test was performed for Microcystins -- a class of harmful toxins produced by certain freshwater cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae:
A test was performed for the MOST COMMON cyanobacterial toxins or hepatotoxic microcystins.
The test detected NONE of the 11 toxins at the BEACH AREA. (Other toxins may be present)
Additional E.coli tests:
East End of Lake: E.coli 66 MPN/100mL
West End of Lake: E.coli 100 MPN/100mL
Questions and Comments can be sent to: gapoa.va@gmail.com
At the present time, pet owners who allow their dogs to swim in the lake, should consider the following information and take the precautions listed below.
Lake Users: It is highly recommended to wash with fresh water after having contact with the lake water. (Included but not limited to swimmers, recreationals, boaters, fishers, pets, water crafts and water floats.....).
According to the ASPCA:
cyanobacteria is most likely to thrive in bodies of fresh water when the weather is warm (over 75°F) and sunny. Algae intoxications happen more during the summer because weather conditions promote the growth of cyanobacteria.
Some researchers reported that when temperatures became less than 68°F, there were insignificant amounts of blue-green algae in a lake studied in Wisconsin.
NOTE: Not all cyanobacteria blooms are toxic and even blooms caused by known toxin producers may not produce toxins or may produce toxins at undetectable levels.
It is expected that anabaena, aphanizomenon and other cyanobacterial populations will be shown to be present year-round in our lake, including "over-wintering" in the lake.
Therefore, we are currently at the CAUTION level.
When in doubt, stay out!
The Virginia Department of Health lists the following things people should do to prevent illness:
· Avoid contact with any area of the lake where water is green or an advisory sign is posted.
· Do not allow children or pets to drink from natural bodies of water.
· Keep children and pets out of the areas experiencing a harmful algae bloom and quickly wash them off with plenty of fresh, clean water after coming into contact with algae scum or bloom water.
· If you or your animals experience symptoms after swimming in or near an algal bloom, seek medical/veterinarian care.
· To ensure fish fillets are safe to eat, properly clean fish by removing skin and discarding all internal organs, and cooking fish to the proper temperature.
· If you suspect you experienced health-related effects following exposure to a bloom, contact the Virginia Harmful Algal Bloom Hotline at 1-888-238-6154. To learn more about harmful algae blooms or to report an algae bloom or fish kill visit www.SwimHealthyVA.com.
435 Greene Acres Rd N, Stanardsville, VA 22973
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