[To enlarge, click on the file to view on your browser or download the file]
The work is expected to begin APRIL 24, 2023 and anticipated to last for six to seven months. The road will be closed for construction where Turkey Ridge, Bull Yearling and South River roads meet.
Only ONE property is expected to be affected with right-of-way impacts and there will be minimal or no utility impacts. Signs are in place for detours.
Hopefully minimal... however, expect higher traffic volume through Greene Acres during this period, and over the summer months. Always drive with care and to the conditions of the road and weather.
Open the pdf to view the latest GAPOA roads report.
The Roads Chair, Brian Snyder, will be providing information on our roads.
This will include the status of every road with specific work plans and updates.
A current month's schedule will be provided, but due to weather conditions and contractor/equipment availability, this will be subject to change.
Brian can be reached at bdsnyder@gmail.com
The Roads Committee with the Property Manager, are revising the roads management plan.
In the mean time you can help also by:
- driving to the road conditions, and the speed limit 15 mph
- keep to the correct side of the road and follow all road signage
-be aware of pedestrians and wildlife - it's getting darker in the mornings and evenings, so please be extra vigilant when driving through out Greene Acres.
Remember - Greene Acres is a private community - which means your assessments pay for the roads maintenance... nothing worse than seeing the $$'s flung into the road ditches by speedsters.
Find the place to be....Greene Acres of course!
Download to your device, or print! Greene Acres Road map produced by Mike Casteel. Ideal to share with family and visitors to get to your place the most direct route
(save on gas too!)..
435 Greene Acres Rd N, Stanardsville, VA 22973
Copyright © 2018-2023 Greene Acres Property Owners Association - All Rights Reserved.
Annual dues are being sent out this month! If you would like to receive electronically, please email us at gapoa.va@gmail.com.